Egyptian President Sisi Calls for International Action to Support Palestinians in Gaza

Thu May 30 2024
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BEIJING, China: Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi urged the international community on Thursday to ensure that Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are not displaced and to provide long-term humanitarian assistance to the war-ravaged territory.

Speaking at a forum of Arab leaders and Chinese officials in Beijing, Sisi emphasized the need to end the Israeli siege on Gaza and to prevent any forced displacement of Palestinians from their land.

Sisi highlighted the necessity of a comprehensive approach to the Palestinian cause for achieving peace and stability in the region. He called for a serious commitment to the two-state solution and the recognition of Palestinians’ right to an independent state.

His comments followed recent developments where the Israeli army gained operational control over the Philadelphi corridor along the Gaza-Egypt border. This corridor had previously served as a buffer zone until Israeli troops withdrew in 2005. The situation has escalated with Israeli forces taking control of the Rafah border crossing as part of their ongoing offensive.

The Gaza conflict, which began with Hamas’s attack on southern Israel on October 7, has resulted in significant casualties on both sides. The humanitarian crisis in Gaza has prompted urgent calls for international intervention to provide aid and support to the affected population.

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