Elon Musk Inaugurates Starlink Service in Indonesia

Mon May 20 2024
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JAKARTA: Elon Musk and Indonesian Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin on Sunday launched SpaceX’s satellite internet service to boost connectivity in the world’s largest archipelago.

Musk, the head of SpaceX and Tesla, arrived in Bali by private jet before attending Starlink’s launch at a community health center in the provincial capital Denpasar.

He on the occasion said that the satellite service would help millions in Indonesia to access the internet.

He added it is really important to emphasize the importance of internet connectivity.

Elon Musk Inaugurates Starlink Service in Indonesia 2 Elon Musk Inaugurates Starlink Service in Indonesia

Indonesia, a state comprising over 17,000 islands, is home to more than 270 million people and three different time zones. After the launch, Musk said that internet connectivity was also vital for business and learning.

Musk said one can learn anything if he is connected to the internet.

Indonesia is the third Southeast Asian country where Starlink will provide services. Neighboring Malaysia issued the license to the firm to provide internet services last year, while a Philippine-based firm signed a contract with SpaceX in 2022.

Starlink was launched On Sunday, at three Indonesian health centers, two of which are located in Bali and one on the remote island of Aru in Maluku. Officials say the services will be prioritized for education and health.

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Indonesian Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin said Starlink is expected to bring high-speed internet connectivity to thousands of health centers across the country, allowing Indonesians in remote areas to access services that were not available to them.

The arrival of Starlink in Indonesia is likely to enhance equal internet access across Southeast Asia’s largest economy.

The minister noted that other sectors in Indonesia, such as education and the digital economy, will also get a boost from Starlink.

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