Embassies of Weimar Triangle Countries Observe Ukraine Solidarity Day in Pakistan

Mon Feb 26 2024
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Naveed Miraj and Shahid Qureshi

ISLAMABAD: A commemorative event dedicated to the solidarity with the Ukrainian people on Ukraine Solidarity Day was organized by the embassies of the Weimar Triangle countries (Poland, France, Germany) in collaboration with the Ukrainian Embassy in Pakistan. 

The event, held at Poland’s Embassy in Islamabad, marked the second anniversary of the unprovoked Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

The documentary “Culture vs. War” and an exhibition called “Generations of War,” which featured works by Ukrainian artists, were screened at the event. Poland Ambassador Maciej Pisarski, Ukraine Ambassador Markiian Chuchuk, France’s Ambassador Nicolas Galey, and Germany’s Ambassador Alfred Grannas addressed the gathering. 

Ukraine, Ukraine Solidarity Day, Weimar Triangle countries, Poland, France, Germany, Pakistan, Poland Ambassador Maciej Pisarski, Ukraine Ambassador Markiian Chuchuk, Nicolas Galey,

The ambassadors highlighted the courageous resistance demonstrated by the Ukrainian people against the Russian invaders over the course of the two-year conflict. They also emphasized the sacrifices made by Ukraine’s Armed Forces in repelling the Russian assault, as well as the devastating impact on homes, schools, hospitals, and infrastructure, and the suffering endured by Ukrainians, including children. 

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Germany’s Ambassador Alfred Grannas characterized Russia’s illegal war of aggression against Ukraine as an attack on the rules-based international order, particularly sovereignty and territorial integrity. He stressed the importance of vehemently opposing and confronting any infringement of international law.

Ukraine, Ukraine Solidarity Day, Weimar Triangle countries, Poland, France, Germany, Pakistan, Poland Ambassador Maciej Pisarski, Ukraine Ambassador Markiian Chuchuk, Nicolas Galey,

The Poland Ambassador Maciej Pisarski underscored the imperative of sustaining support for Ukraine’s efforts to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity. He highlighted the strategy employed by Russia to wear down Ukraine and its supporters, emphasizing the necessity of continued backing for Ukraine to determine its own future.

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The Ukraine Ambassador Markiian Chuchuk praised the resilience of his compatriots despite facing overwhelming odds against a nuclear-armed power with superior economic and military resources. He also highlighted President Zelenskyy’s Ten-point Peace Formula, which offers a comprehensive plan to end the war. This plan includes provisions for the cessation of hostilities, ensuring food security, nuclear safety, energy security, justice, human rights, and adherence to the UN Charter. Ambassador Chuchuk emphasized that this proposal stands as the sole viable option for achieving peace.

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Moreover, Ambassador Chuchuk noted that the repercussions of the war extend far beyond Ukraine’s borders, being experienced by countries worldwide, including Pakistan. Recognizing Pakistan’s influential voice on the global stage, Ambassador Chuchuk urged for collective participation in peaceful efforts that align with Pakistan’s commitment to upholding the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity of states.

Embassies of Weimar Triangle Countries Observe Ukraine Solidarity Day in Pakistan

The event was attended by heads of missions and diplomats from various countries based in Islamabad, along with representatives from Pakistani institutions, local experts, think-tank representatives, human rights activists, and journalists.

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