England Proposes Ban on Teaching Gender Identity in Schools

Thu May 16 2024
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LONDON, England: The government of England is set to introduce proposals on Thursday that would prohibit schools from teaching gender identity, following growing concerns about the contentious issue. This move comes after a landmark review highlighted the need for caution regarding hormone treatments for young people grappling with gender identity issues.

A Department for Education statement clarified that the contested theory of gender identity would not be part of the curriculum. While secondary school pupils will learn about legally protected characteristics such as sexual orientation and gender reassignment, they will not be taught about the concept of gender identity. This applies to pupils aged 11-18.

The proposed guidance will also ban sex education for children under the age of nine, addressing concerns about the appropriateness of materials used in schools. Conservative Prime Minister Rishi Sunak emphasized the importance of keeping children safe from inappropriate content, stating that parents trust schools to provide a safe environment for their children.

Under the new guidance, sex education will not be taught before Year 5 (ages 9-10), and when introduced, it will focus solely on scientific aspects. Additionally, the guidance will include content on suicide prevention and the risks associated with viewing online content promoting self-harm.

These proposals will undergo a nine-week consultation period and will become statutory once finalized. The government’s aim is to ensure that educational materials are appropriate for children’s age and developmental stage while addressing concerns about potentially harmful content.

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