Erdogan Declares Victory in Historic Turkish Runoff Election

Sun May 28 2023
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ISTANBUL: Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the President of Turkey, declared victory on Sunday in a historic runoff election that presented the toughest challenge to his two-decade rule.

Addressing his enthusiastic supporters from atop a bus in his home district in Istanbul, Erdogan expressed gratitude and confidence, stating, “We will be ruling the country for the coming five years. God willing, we will be deserving of your trust.”

The runoff election marked a significant moment in Turkey’s political landscape as Erdogan faced his biggest challenge to date. Despite the country grappling with its largest economic crisis in generations and a united opposition, the 69-year-old leader managed to secure a commanding lead and emerge victorious.

Erdogan’s triumph ensures he will continue his increasingly authoritarian rule and solidify his position as a regional military power. With 99 percent of the vote counted, the official Anadolu state news agency showed Erdogan leading his secular opposition rival Kemal Kilicdaroglu by four percentage points. This victory further strengthens Erdogan’s perception of invincibility, as he has already made significant domestic, economic, security, and foreign policy changes in the NATO member country of 85 million people.

The election was widely regarded as Turkey’s most consequential in its 100-year history as a post-Ottoman republic. Kilicdaroglu, forming a powerful coalition comprising disenchanted former allies of Erdogan, secular nationalists, and religious conservatives, pushed Erdogan into his first runoff on May 14 and narrowed the margin even further in the second round.

Opposition supporters viewed the election as a critical opportunity to safeguard Turkey from becoming an autocracy under a leader whose consolidation of power rivals that of Ottoman sultans.

Erdogan’s Popularity in Turkey

Erdogan, appearing tired but composed, cast his vote alongside his wife Emine in a conservative district of Istanbul. He urged citizens to participate actively in the electoral process and vote without complacency. Erdogan’s popularity among poorer and more rural segments of Turkish society stems from his efforts to promote religious freedoms and modernize previously neglected cities in the Anatolian heartland.

While Erdogan’s leadership has garnered support domestically, it has drawn increasing concern internationally due to his crackdowns on dissent and assertive foreign policies. His military interventions in Syria, clashes with European powers, and alignment with Russian President Vladimir Putin have raised eyebrows in the Western world.

Turkey’s troubled economy also poses a significant challenge for the newly reelected leader, with the country facing high inflation and a currency in decline.

Erdogan’s unorthodox economic policies, including his insistence on slashing interest rates, have been met with skepticism by economists and analysts. The Turkish lira has suffered, and the country has spent billions of dollars in attempts to stabilize the currency before the election. Despite these challenges, Erdogan remains committed to his economic approach and rejects predictions of impending peril.

The outcome of the historic Turkish runoff election solidifies Erdogan’s hold on power and sets the stage for his continued leadership, impacting not only Turkey but also regional dynamics and international relationships.

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