Erdogan to Meet With Putin Monday Amid Grain Deal Revival Hopes

Fri Sep 01 2023
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MOSCOW: In a bid to address the ongoing tensions surrounding the Black Sea grain trade, Russian President Vladimir Putin is set to host Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Sochi on Monday. This high-stakes meeting comes amidst international hopes of restoring a crucial grain deal that would ensure safe passage for Ukrainian grain shipments, which had been disrupted earlier this year.

In July, Russia unilaterally withdrew from the UN-backed grain deal that Turkey had played a pivotal role in brokering, effectively suspending the safe navigation of civilian ships traversing the Black Sea. This move had sent shockwaves through the region, impacting global food security and trade dynamics.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed the upcoming talks, stating, “Negotiations will indeed take place in Sochi on Monday,” signaling the urgency of the matter.

Ukraine, which heavily relies on Black Sea ports for its grain exports, responded to the disruption by establishing a temporary maritime corridor in August to ensure the safe passage of its ships through the region. Ukraine’s Infrastructure Minister Oleksandr Kubrakov reported, “Two vessels are sailing through a temporary corridor from Ukraine’s Black Sea ports to the Bosphorus [Strait in Turkey].”

Significance of Black Sea Grain Deal

Turkey’s Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, during a visit to Moscow on Thursday, emphasized the critical nature of reviving the grain deal for global food security. Ankara is keen for both warring sides to return to the agreement and utilize it as a foundation for broader peace negotiations.

Moscow, on its part, contends that the previous agreement imposed indirect restrictions on its grain and fertilizer exports by limiting Russia’s access to global payment systems and insurance. The Kremlin has consistently stated that it would consider returning to the deal if its demands are met.

The upcoming meeting between Presidents Putin and Erdogan holds significant promise for resolving this crisis, which has ramifications not only for the involved nations but also for the stability of global grain markets and food security.

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