Escalating Landmine Casualties Highlight Myanmar’s Humanitarian Crisis

Thu Apr 04 2024
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BANGKOK, Thailand: The United Nations revealed alarming statistics regarding landmine and unexploded ordnance incidents in Myanmar, with almost three people being killed or wounded by such devices every day in 2023.

This marked a significant increase from the previous year, underscoring the escalating humanitarian crisis fueled by the ongoing civil conflict in the country.

Following the military’s seizure of power from Aung San Suu Kyi’s government in 2021, Myanmar has experienced intensified fighting between the military junta and various factions, including ethnic rebel groups and pro-democracy forces. The conflict has spread to regions previously unaffected by decades of unrest, displacing over 2.5 million people and exposing civilians to heightened risks, particularly from landmines.

UNICEF reported a staggering 1,052 verified civilian casualties from landmines or unexploded ordnance in 2023, nearly tripling the previous year’s figures. Alarmingly, over 20% of the victims were children, highlighting the indiscriminate nature of the threat posed by these explosive remnants of war.

Despite not being a signatory to the UN convention banning anti-personnel mines, Myanmar has witnessed widespread use of landmines by all sides involved in the conflict. The surge in casualties, particularly in the northern Sagaing region, once a peaceful area, underscores the devastating impact of the military coup and subsequent unrest on civilian populations.

As the junta faces mounting resistance and territorial losses, it has increasingly relied on air and artillery strikes, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis and endangering more lives. The harrowing rise in landmine casualties adds to the already staggering toll of violence and displacement inflicted on the people of Myanmar since the coup.

Amid mounting casualties and human rights abuses, international attention and concerted efforts are needed to address the dire humanitarian situation in Myanmar and hold perpetrators of violence and atrocities accountable.

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