Ethiopian Embassy in Pakistan Commemorates 128th Adwa Victory Day in Islamabad

Tue Mar 05 2024
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By Naveed Miraj and Shahid Qureshi 

ISLAMABAD: The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) Embassy in Pakistan celebrated the 128th Adwa victory day in Islamabad on Tuesday.

The ceremony was attended by various government officials from various Ministries and Armed Forces, Members of Parliament, the diplomatic corps, the business community, civil society, media, and Ethiopian Diaspora in Pakistan.

The commemoration day, observed with national zeal, showcased various events including documentaries on the history of Ethiopia’s Adwa victory against colonizers, its foundational role in Pan-Africanism, and its ongoing diplomacy for regional integration.


Pakistan’s former defence minister Khawaja Asif graced the celebration ceremony as the chief guest, while Governor Sindh Kamran Tessori was the guest of honor.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the FDRE to Pakistan, Jemal Beker Abdula, extended felicitations to Africa, particularly Ethiopia, on the 128th Adwa Victory Day themed “Adwa Black People’s Victory.” He thanked the Pakistani people for their overwhelming participation.

Ambassador Jemal Beker elaborated on the historical significance of the Adwa battle, highlighting its pivotal role in inspiring movements for freedom, equality, and liberty across Africa and beyond.


Noting the monumental victory of March 2, 1896, Ambassador Jemal emphasized how Adwa changed global history, politics, and social dynamics. He underscored its symbolism for Ethiopian unity and Pan-Africanism.

The ambassador also lauded Ethiopia’s efforts in regional integration, citing initiatives like the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and the Green Legacy Initiative led by Prime Minister Dr. Abi Ahmed. He pledged to enhance bilateral ties through economic diplomacy, announcing the forthcoming Hijra Trip II business delegation to Ethiopia.

Chief Guest Khawaja Muhammad Asif extended congratulations to Ethiopia and Africa on the Adwa victory day, urging Pakistani businesses to explore African markets, particularly through Ethiopia, as a gateway to the continent.

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