EU, AfD Collaborate to Address Climate Challenges in Punjab

Wed Dec 13 2023
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ISLAMABAD: In a landmark move aligned with the ‘Building Back Better through Green Jobs Creation’ initiative, the European Union (EU) and the Agence Française de Développement (AfD), inked a strategic agreement on Wednesday. The accord signifies the launch of a comprehensive climate initiative aimed at tackling water and sanitation challenges in urban areas of Punjab.

As part of this joint effort by the Government of Pakistan and Team Europe, partners Germany, France, and Italy, a total of €179 million will be allocated to address pressing water and sanitation service delivery challenges in Faisalabad and Lahore to enhance climate resilience, said a press release.

Titled ‘Punjab Urban Water and Wastewater Governance and Services Improvement,’ the collaborative initiative spans six years and combines grant support from the EU with a soft loan from the AfD. The agreement was signed by EU Ambassador Dr. Riina Kionka and Deputy Director AfD Eastern Europe, Middle East, and Asia, Ms. Julie Marsaudon, in the presence of German Ambassador Alfred Grannas and Italian Ambassador Andreas Ferrarese.


EU Pledges Support for Pakistan’s Climate Resilience

EU Ambassador Dr. Riina Kionka, recognizing Punjab’s significant economic role, highlighted persistent water and sanitation challenges. She emphasized the EU’s commitment to supporting Pakistan in enhancing resilience to climate change and reiterated the EU’s dedication to advancing green, inclusive growth, aligned with the EU Pakistan Strategic Engagement Plan.

The initiative aims to address challenges in access to drinking water and sanitation services by installing 200 kilometers of new water supply pipes and providing 55,000 new connections. Key focus areas include capacity enhancement, a 135,000 cubic meters per day increase in water treatment capacity, and strengthening urban water governance.

This collaborative intervention is expected to improve the access of 400,000 individuals to drinking water, showcasing the shared commitment of the Government of Pakistan and Team Europe to sustainable development. It marks a significant stride towards building climate resilience and ensuring a higher quality of life for residents and businesses in Faisalabad and Lahore.

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