European Union Launched Two Flagship Programs in Gilgit Baltistan

Thu May 30 2024
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GILGIT BALTISTAN: The European Union (EU) has launched two flagship programs in Gilgit Baltistan aimed at fostering skills development and promoting clean energy.

By prioritizing empowerment and sustainability, these projects aspire to redefine the vocational training landscape and facilitate widespread access to renewable energy solutions for more than 350,000 residents of Gilgit Baltistan.

Through its youth skill development program, the EU and the Government of Germany have joined hands to transform the vocational training landscape in GB.

This program provides dedicated support to selected Technical and Vocational Education and Training schools across the region, resulting in better-equipped TVET schools, better-trained staff, and curricula more aligned with labor market demands.

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, together with the British Council, is implementing this program.

Under the EU-funded Energy Plus program, rural communities in GB and Chitral will gain improved access to clean energy.

Sustainable Transition to Renewable Energy in Gilgit Baltistan

The program aims to promote a sustainable transition to renewable energy through investments in energy generation, transmission and distribution.

It will also foster energy efficiency to stimulate private sector-led growth, involving civil society and local government.

A total of 350,000 beneficiaries are likely to benefit through this strategic partnership between the EU and its implementing partner, the Aga Khan Foundation.

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