ISLAMABAD: A Health Expert on Friday said that ‘digital awareness campaigns’ should be launched to empower young individuals between ages 14-18 to discourage the ‘modern tobacco products use’ especially nicotine pouches which elevate the risk of various kinds of respiratory diseases.
Talking to the state news channel, Dr. Sana Aslam, a Clinical Psychologist and addiction therapist, highlighted the societal acceptance and easy accessibility of current smoking trends, contributing to a high prevalence among the youth. She advocated for lifestyle modifications, outdoor health promotion activities, and the rigorous implementation of legislative measures to prevent smoking. Dr. Aslam stressed the importance of collective efforts from parents, schools, and healthcare experts to effectively address this escalating issue.
She also highlighted the increased accessibility and affordability of these modern and stylish tobacco products, lacking essential health warnings and posing significant health risks. Experts emphasized the urgent need for comprehensive action to counteract the pervasive influence of these products, citing the harmful effects of nicotine as a gateway to other forms of drug addiction and its potential to cause severe physical and mental health problems in young generations.
To safeguard the nation, Dr. Aslam urged the promotion of awareness among youths about the adverse effects of smoking. She debunked the misconception that smoking, even socially or occasionally, is safer, emphasizing that students have glamorized smoking despite its association with serious heart, and blood problems, and cancer.
Dr. Aslam suggested that smokers should be encouraged to correct their misconception that smoking improves mood, reduces stress, and provides comfort. —APP