Experts Call for Comprehensive Approach in Countering Extremism

Thu Jul 20 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Thinkers and speakers called for a comprehensive and nip-in-the-bid approach to get rid of radicalization and counter the menace of terrorism in Pakistan.

They expressed their views in a seminar arranged by the Centre for Aerospace & Security Studies (CASS), Islamabad held here on Thursday. The seminar titled  ‘Advancing Resilience: Unleashing the Potential of Countering Violent Extremism in Pakistan’ was graced by leading speakers including Mohammad Ali Babakhel, Additional Inspector General (Operations), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Police, MS Azeema Cheema, Director of Research and Strategy at Verso Consulting and Dr Farhan Zahid, an international counterterrorism expert.

Sharing his views Mohammad Ali Babakhel while highlighting Pakistan’s evolving efforts in countering extremism emphasized the complexity of measuring success in countering extremism, as it cannot be instantly quantified due to its nuanced nature. He noted the disparity in technology usage between the state and violent non-state actors, stressing the need for effective policy implementation, monitoring, and communication strategies.

Babakhel underscored the importance of highlighting Pakistan’s best practices in countering violent extremism and the need for decisive investment in education.

Azeema Cheema highlighted the important role of Civil Society Organisations in countering violent extremism. She stressed the need to dispel the narrative of ‘Pakistan exceptionalism’ and urged for a comprehensive approach to policy implementation. Cheema underscored the challenges faced by CSOs due to regulatory frameworks and pointed to the need for a wide policy framework to address hate speech and disinformation online.

Usage of Modern Tech Crucial in Countering Terrorism

Dr Farhan Zahid underlined the necessity of partnerships with international organizations engaged in CVE initiatives, like  United Nations and the Global Counterterrorism Forum. He underscored the role of technology in countering extremism, including fast monitoring mechanisms for online platforms and the counter-narratives’ integration into educational curricula.

Senior Director at CASS and the seminar’s moderator Air Marshal Farooq Habib (R), acknowledged the lack of agreement on the definition of violent extremism. He stressed the necessity of addressing underlying problems contributing to extremism, like the acceptance of violence and the politicization of Islam.

Farhat Hussain Khan, President of CASS, underlined the important role of national interests in shaping purposes and formulating effective strategies. He stressed the need to define and document national interests transparently. KHan also pointed to the importance of both kinetic and non-kinetic approaches in countering extremism and urged for concentrated efforts to address hate and intolerance in society.

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