Experts Call for Vigorous Scrutiny of India as FATF Evaluates Crime and Indian Politics’ Nexus

Wed Nov 01 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Prominent speakers from various fields gathered at a seminar titled “Unveiling the Future-FATF’s Impact on South Asia 2023,” organized by Quaid-e-Azam University (QAU) in Islamabad. The experts discussed the potential connections between crime and Indian politics ahead of the on-site evaluation of India by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) scheduled later in November.

Prominent experts, including cabinet members, academicians, and intelligentsia, highlighted a perceived “strong” nexus between crime and Indian politics. They called for strict scrutiny of India’s involvement in state-sponsored terrorism, drug trade, and illegal weapons to prevent adverse impacts on the stability of the South Asian region.

The event, organized by QAU’s School of Politics and International Relations, was part of the “Universities Outreach – Phase 1,” which brought together renowned speakers to explore the multifaceted challenges and implications surrounding India’s alleged involvement with drug mafia, illegal weapons, and FATF’s detailed inquiries regarding black money.

Speakers cited examples of Indian-sponsored state terrorism, pointing to cases such as operative Kulbhushan Jadhav in Pakistan and the murder of Sikh leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar in Canada. They urged the FATF to address India’s alleged links to these crimes forcefully, emphasizing the potential threat these activities pose to regional peace.

Advisor to Prime Minister on Finance, Dr Waqar Masood, highlighted India’s involvement in financial irregularities, criminal activities, and cross-border terrorism. He emphasized that while Pakistan had met all 27 conditions imposed by the FATF, India had yet to respond to 330 queries posed by the international financial watchdog. Dr Masood stressed that India’s placement under enhanced supervision or in the grey list after the FATF review could have significant consequences for the country.

International experts, including Professor Dr Baqir Malik from MIT and Dr Fateh Din B Mahmood from UNODC, emphasized the need to address India’s financial activities. Dr Malik stressed transparency in the financial ecosystem, while Dr Mahmood highlighted the importance of international cooperation in combating drug trafficking and cybercrimes.

India, Pakistan, FATF, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Politics, Crimes, Financial

FATF’s Serious Concerns Over India’s Connection with Crime

Dr Zafar Nawaz Jaspal, Head of QAU’s School of Politics and International Relations, emphasized the urgency of addressing the issues raised by FATF, stating that comprehensive answers were needed to stabilize the entire South Asian region. “India’s financial activities are under intense scrutiny, and it’s time to confront the issues head-on. The questions raised by FATF regarding black money demand comprehensive answers, and they impact the stability of the entire South Asian region,” he added.

Kamran Saeed Usmani, Advisor to PM for Youth Affairs & President of All Parties Youth Wing, Central Youth President PMLQ, highlighted the social and political consequences of India’s alleged involvement in the drug trade and illegal weapons circulation. Baker Younis, Bureau Chief at Pakistan Almayadeen, Beirut, emphasized the crucial role of global media in exposing India’s actions and the FATF’s inquiries, underscoring the need to keep these issues in the spotlight.

India, Pakistan, FATF, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Politics, Crimes, Financial

Professor Dr. Baqir Malik said that the FATF’s examination of India’s shadowy financial activities is of paramount significance. India’s connections to the drug trade and the proliferation of illegal arms and weapons have cast a dark shadow. These concerns need to be addressed, and work collaboratively towards a more transparent financial ecosystem.

Dr. Fateh Din B. Mahmood (National Consultant in Cybercrimes and Forensics for the UNODC), said that the underworld’s involvement in drug trafficking is a complex web of cybercrimes and illicit financial transactions. To combat this, international cooperation and robust cybercrime forensics are crucial.

India, Pakistan, FATF, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Politics, Crimes, Financial

Baker Younis, Bureau Chief at Pakistan Almayadeen, Beirut, said that the global media has a crucial role in shedding light on the implications of India’s activities and the FATF’s inquiries.

The seminar stressed the need for a collaborative approach to address these serious concerns. It is evident that India’s role in the illegal weapons circulation, drug trade, and the queries from FATF about black money are topics that warrant continued discussion on the global stage.

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