Experts for Much-needed Reforms in Judicial System

Fri Mar 10 2023
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KARACHI: ‘Justice delayed justice denied’ was the main theme of the experts’ opinion, discussing the legal and judicial challenges of Pakistan in an esteemed gathering here in Karachi on Friday.


Pakistan Council on Foreign Relations (PCFR), a non-profit, independent, non-partisan and multi-dimensional forum, organized a seminar on “Justice Delayed Justice Denied: Challenges for Pakistan’s Justice System and Possible Solutions” at a hotel in Karachi. 


Justice Gulzar Ahmed, former Chief Justice of Pakistan, Anwar Mansoor Khan, former Attorney General of Pakistan, and Barrister Salahuddin Ahmed, former President of Sindh High Court Bar Association addressed the seminar. Ahsan Mukhtar Zubairi, Secretary General PCFR presented the welcome address. He said that Judiciary has a fundamental role to maintain order in society.


While presenting the introductory remarks Ambassador G R Baluch, Senior Board member of PCFR said that this is an important subject in contemporary Pakistan as delay in deciding cases has become the core issue in our justice system.


Experts highlight modern techniques


Ambassador Baluch further highlighted that modern techniques such as artificial intelligence can be helpful in dealing with the issues judicial system. Barrister Salahuddin said that systematic problems cause delays in the dispensation of justice. He further highlighted that these problems can be addressed through solutions based on proper data analysis and a dedicated task force mandated to deal with each case separately.


In his address, Anwar Mansoor Khan highlighted that overloaded high courts and lack of case management result in problems in our justice system.Khan further said that every judge must be trained in case management to effectively tackle the volume of cases.


Justice Gulzar Ahmed addressed the seminar as the Chief Guest and highlighted that judiciary in Pakistan is under severe stress owing to the pendency of cases which has not happened overnight rather, the phenomenon is as old as the country itself.


Justice Gulzar proposed various solutions and maintained that courts should give a timeline for completing the hearing of cases as there is no legal prohibition on courts in giving timelines.

The event was participated by members of the Karachi-based diplomatic corps, members of the legal fraternity, PCFR members, and members of the business community.

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