Fact Check: Does UK Make Changes in Visa Requirements for Pakistanis?

Sat Jun 15 2024
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ISLAMABAD: A letter is circulating on Pakistani social media has made alarming claims about changes in UK visa application requirements for Pakistani nationals.

The letter, purportedly from UK Visas and Immigration and dated May 28, said that the UK will no longer accept financial documents from major Pakistani banks and specific English language proficiency tests commonly used by Pakistani students.


According to the letter, nine major Pakistani banks’ financial documents, including bank statements, are supposedly no longer acceptable for UK visa applications. It also lists English language tests such as Oxford ELLT Digital, IELTS Life Skills, and Pearson Test of English as allegedly rejected by the UK.

“This is to inform all concerned parties that the following banks from Pakistan have been rejected for visa approval,” reads the letter.


However, these claims have been definitively refuted by the British High Commission in Islamabad.

Pawan Dhande, Director of Communications and Public Diplomacy at the Commission, clarified that the circulating letter is entirely false and there have been no changes to the acceptance of Pakistani banks’ financial documents or English language tests for UK visa applications. The Commission has officially debunked the misinformation through a post on their verified Twitter account.


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