Fact-check: Old Footage Falsely Shared to Claim Police Assaulted Women

Sat Mar 02 2024
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Karachi: Video of male cops slapping and pushing women into a police vehicle is being shared on social media with claims that the footage was recorded in the front of the Sindh Assembly recently, and shows police attacking women who were peacefully holding protest alleged manipulation in the Feb 8 polls in Pakistan.
However, reports suggest that there is no truth in the video as it is old footage and unrelated to this month’s elections in the country.
A social media user shared the video and claimed that women protesting outside the assembly building were slapped and then apprehended by the police. The false social media post has been reposted over 13,000 times and viewed more than 255,000 times.
It was old video and posted on social media on January 31, 2021 and was recorded in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan rather than Sindh.

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