Faithful Commence Aitkaf at Faisal Mosque in Islamabad

Tue Apr 11 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Around 700 people have commenced observing Aitkaf at Faisal Mosque in Islamabad on Sunday, under the supervision of the Dawah Academy of International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI).

Dr. Zia ur Rehman, the Incharge Faisal Masjid Islamic Centre, informed that the Dawah Academy had received around 1,000 applications for Aitkaf, out of which around 700 individuals arrived at the mosque at the given time. They were all provided with special identity cards.

The Dawah Academy is managing the activities and has arranged for Sehr and Iftar, Qiyam ul Lail, and lectures for the faithful.

Additionally, Fiqah classes and lectures from religious scholars will also be conducted for the devotees during their stay at the mosque.

Arrangements for Aitkaf at Faisal Mosque

Speaking to WE News, Dr. Qari Muhammad Zia Ur Rehman discussed the arrangements made for Aitkaf at Faisal Mosque. He stated that this annual Islamic practice is essential for spiritual rejuvenation and provides an opportunity for individuals to spend time in solitude and reflection.

The Dawah Academy has ensured that all the necessary arrangements are in place to facilitate the devotees during their stay at the mosque.

The term “Aitkaf” refers to the Islamic practice of spending the last ten days of Ramadan in seclusion in a mosque, dedicating oneself to prayer, reflection, and recitation of the Quran.

Aitkaf is a time for spiritual reflection and introspection, and many Muslims consider it to be a time of great spiritual significance.

The starting of Aitkaf at Faisal Mosque in Islamabad highlights the continued importance of this tradition among the Muslim community.

The Dawah Academy’s efforts to facilitate and provide for the spiritual needs of these individuals demonstrate the importance of community support in religious practices.

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