Federal Ombudsman Intervenes to Expedite Rs.750,000 Compensation to Widow

Wed Apr 26 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Wafaqai Muhatasib (Federal Ombudsman) Pakistan intervened to expedite an amount of Rs.750,000 as compensation to a widow for the electrocution of her son.

The compensation was carried out on the order of Federal Ombudsman Ejaz Ahmad Qureshi by Islamabad Electric Supply Company (IESCO) to the woman whose son had died of electrocution caused by an electric pole in the street.

The widow had lodged a complaint to the Wafaqi Mohtasib stating that her sixteen years old son met a tragic accident and died due to electrocution on 13th March 2021.

It was learned that the pole was installed in the street by IESCO to provide supply to a private poultry farm. The locals had repeatedly approached IESCO, who failed to address the danger posed by the short-circuited electric pole.

Legal proceedings were started by the aggrieved family whereby the private poultry farm paid some compensation also, while IESCO did not pay its share of Rs. 7,500,000/- despite many efforts by the widow for over 2 years.

Federal Ombudsman takes up matter

Wafaqi Mohtasib’s Office, after receipt of the complaint, took up the matter with the concerned agencies, IESCO and NEPRA, including provincial authorities, Punjab Police, and Punjab Forensic Science Agency.

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