First Plenary Meeting for Pakistan Cotton Crop on February 14

Tue Feb 13 2024
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ISLAMABAD: The first plenary meeting for the cotton crop in Pakistan will be held on Wednesday to discuss and deliberate the ways and means for increasing the crop output during the coming season to achieve sustainable agricultural growth and economic development in Pakistan.

Cotton Commissioner in the Ministry of National Food Security and Research Anjum Shahzad said that the meeting will evaluate the per-maund cotton rate during the forthcoming season to ensure a proper price of return to local growers, besides encouraging the farmers to bring maximum area under cotton cultivation, according to APP.

He said that the meeting will also make deliberations to overcome the challenges faced by the cotton growers and suggest innovative steps and best crop management practices to increase the per-acre output of cotton during the upcoming season.

Cotton Production Gains Momentum

The Cotton Commissioner said that due to the steps introduced by the government during last season, the output gained momentum and recorded over 8.354 million bales, adding that efforts would be made to further boost the production during the coming season to strengthen the government’s efforts to develop the agriculture sector.

He said that the development in the cotton sector would help to promote industrial growth and economic uplift in the country, adding that the government was taking measures to ensure an adequate supply of all inputs during the crop season to achieve maximum production.


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