Flood in Libya: UN Calls for $71m in Urgent Aid for Survivors

Fri Sep 15 2023
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UNITED NATIONS: In the wake of the deadly flash floods that ravaged Libya over the past weekend, the United Nations (UN) has issued an urgent plea for over $71 million in funding to provide crucial assistance to those in desperate need.

Storm Daniel, boasting hurricane-strength ferocity, struck Libya on September 10, leaving a trail of destruction and claiming the lives of approximately 11,300 individuals, as reported by the Libyan Red Crescent. However, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has grimly projected that this toll is expected to rise.

Among the severely affected areas, the city of Derna suffered immense devastation after two dams upstream burst on Sunday, rendering it a desolate wasteland. Simultaneously, the picturesque seaside town of Sousse found itself submerged, adding to the extensive damage.

OCHA’s assessment reveals that an estimated 30 percent of Derna may have vanished due to the disaster. Given the extensive damage to local infrastructure, including collapsed roads, the local authorities have urgently appealed for the establishment of a sea corridor to facilitate the distribution of relief aid and the safe evacuation of affected individuals.

Describing the situation as “catastrophic,” OCHA emphasized the critical need for immediate assistance. The humanitarian agency stated that a staggering $71.4 million is required to meet the urgent needs of 250,000 individuals out of the estimated 884,000 people currently in dire need of assistance.

UN’s Initial emergency fund

In a swift response to the crisis, Martin Griffiths, the head of UN OCHA, announced an initial emergency fund of $10 million on Wednesday. Griffiths expressed profound concern, stating that entire neighborhoods have been wiped off the map.

Whole families, taken by surprise, were swept away in the deluge of water. He emphasized the urgent necessity of providing lifesaving supplies, preventing a secondary health crisis, and swiftly restoring a semblance of normalcy amidst this difficult time for Libya.

The international community’s generous and timely contributions are crucial in alleviating the suffering and aiding the recovery and rebuilding efforts in Libya, demonstrating solidarity and support for the affected population in their time of dire need.

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