Formation Commanders Conference Pay Tribute to Martyrs, Law Enforcement Agencies

Thu Nov 23 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir presided over the 82nd Formation Commanders Conference here at GHQ Rawalpindi where participants of the conference paid a huge tribute to the sacrifices of Shuhadas including officers and men of the Armed Forces, Law Enforcement Agencies and Pakistani Citizens, a military statement said on Thursday.

The Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) in a statement said apart from other internal and external security issues the conference also extended diplomatic, moral and political support to the people of Palestine and reiterated Pakistan’s principled stance supporting the two-state solution, based on pre-1967 borders with Al Quds Al Sharif as the capital of Palestine.

The conference was attended by Corps Commanders, Principal Staff Officers and all Formation Commanders of Pakistan Army.

Earlier the participants were briefed on professional matters, national security challenges and measures being undertaken to counter traditional and non-traditional security threats.

In addition, the forum also took holistic view of the ongoing counter terrorism operations and resolved that all terrorists, their facilitators and abettors, working on the behest of hostile forces to destabilize Pakistan would be dealt with full might of the state.

COAS Remarks in the Conference

Meanwhile, General Asim Munir COAS expressed satisfaction over operational preparedness and high standards of training and morale maintained by formations to deal with the emerging threat paradigm.

Officials in the conference also expressed and extended an unequivocal diplomatic, moral and political support to the innocent people of Palestine and reiterated the principled stance of Pakistan in supporting the two-state solution, based on pre-1967 borders with Al Quds Al Sharif as the capital of Palestine.

Formation Commanders Conference Discuss Kashmir Issue

Participants of the forum also expressed concerns over continued repression of Kashmiris in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K) and condemned the unabated human rights violations by Indian forces. They reaffirmed that Pakistan shall continue its political, diplomatic and moral support to Kashmir and Kashmiris. The Participants stressed that the only solution to the long-awaited issue lied in providing the right of self-determination to the people of Kashmir according to relevant UNSC resolution.

The forum resolved to fully support government’s initiatives in various domains for sustainable recovery of the economy and curbing illegal activities including hoarding, smuggling, electricity theft, implementation of One Document Regime, dignified repatriation of illegal foreigners and safeguarding of national database etc.

The forum noted that despite challenges, recent months have witnessed an increasing sense of stability, certainty and optimism across the country and resolved those vested efforts towards engineering of despondency would be defeated through perseverance and continued positive actions, with the support of the people of Pakistan, InshaAllah.

The participants affirmed that Pakistan Army would continue defending and serving the nation in every possible way in the journey towards enduring stability and security. The forum urged the proud people of Pakistan to stay determined and united.

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