Former ‘IS Bride’ Loses Appeal Against Removal of UK Citizenship

Fri Feb 23 2024
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LONDON: Court of Appeal ruled against Shamima Begum, 24, who had been stripped of her British citizenship for leaving the country as a teenager to marry a fighter on Friday.

All five arguments presented by Begum were rejected by the court, though she still has the option to appeal to the supreme court.

In delivering the decision, Judge Sue Carr acknowledged that while some may view the decision as harsh and Begum as responsible for her situation, the court’s role was solely to determine the lawfulness of the deprivation decision. Judge Carr emphasized that the court’s role is not to agree or disagree with any particular perspective.

She clarified that their sole responsibility is to assess whether the decision to strip citizenship was legally justified. She further added that they have concluded it was not, and the appeal is dismissed.

Begum brought her case against the revocation of her citizenship to the appeal court in October of the previous year.


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