France Braces for Protests Following Controversial Police Shooting

Wed Jun 28 2023
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PARIS: France is facing further protests following the killing of a teenager by the police during a traffic stop, a situation President Emmanuel Macron has described as “unforgivable.” The government has announced the deployment of 2,000 riot police to manage any potential unrest after the incident sparked violent demonstrations in several Paris suburbs.

The shooting occurred when a 17-year-old, identified as Nael M., was pulled over by two policemen on Tuesday for breaking traffic rules. Initially, the police reported that one officer had shot at the teenager because he was driving his car towards him.

However, a video circulating on social media and authenticated by AFP contradicted this version of events. The footage showed the officers standing beside the stationary car, with one pointing a weapon at the driver, while a voice could be heard threatening the teenager. The police officer then appeared to fire at point-blank range as the car abruptly drove off. The vehicle crashed a short distance away, and the driver succumbed to his injuries shortly after.

The tragic incident immediately sparked protests in Nanterre, a western Paris suburb, with demonstrators setting bins on fire and a music school being engulfed in flames. The unrest soon spread to neighboring suburbs. Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin confirmed that 31 people were arrested overnight, 24 police officers sustained minor injuries, and approximately 40 cars were set on fire.

France’s President Declares the Incident Unforgivable

President Macron, during an official visit to Marseille, expressed his emotions regarding the shooting, calling it “inexplicable” and “unforgivable.” He stressed that nothing could justify the death of a young person and urged for calm while demanding the truth.

The 38-year-old policeman responsible for the fatal shot has been taken into custody and is under investigation for voluntary manslaughter. Nael M.’s lawyer announced plans to file a legal complaint against the officer for voluntary manslaughter, as well as against his colleague for complicity in the shooting. Additionally, a complaint for false testimony will be filed against the police officers for claiming that Nael M. had attempted to run them over.

The incident has drawn widespread condemnation from celebrities, politicians, and activists. Football star Kylian Mbappe expressed his grief and called for justice, while actor Omar Sy called for honoring the child’s memory with just actions. Some politicians criticized the police’s conduct and called for reforms within the force. Green party leader Marine Tondelier described the incident as the “execution” of a teenager by the police, expressing concern about the direction of law enforcement in the country.

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