France to Begin Withdrawal of Troops from Niger ‘This Week’

Thu Oct 05 2023
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NIAMEY, Niger: In a significant move, French troops are set to begin their withdrawal from Niger “this week,” as announced by Paris, following mounting tensions with the military junta in power since a coup in July. This decision comes after France’s ambassador to Niamey was recalled last week due to pressure from the junta.

President Emmanuel Macron had previously revealed plans to withdraw 1,400 French troops “by the end of the year.” These troops had been stationed in Niger as part of a broader effort to combat jihadist groups across the Sahel region, with approximately 400 stationed in the northwestern region near the borders of Burkina Faso and Mali, a known hotspot for the Islamic State group.

The withdrawal process presents challenges as these troops require secure transportation away from their exposed forward positions, possibly necessitating air support from the larger force stationed at an airbase outside Niamey, the capital. The troops had been operating under uncertain conditions, facing irregular supplies and facing anti-French demonstrations.

France had augmented its military presence in Niger following a request for the departure of its forces by another military regime born from a coup in Mali. France had increased its arsenal in Niger, deploying armored vehicles and helicopters alongside existing drones and fighter jets.

The withdrawal route remains uncertain, with options including a departure via Benin to the south, which clashes with the junta’s stance in Niamey, or Chad to the east, home to France’s Sahel theater headquarters. Currently, Niamey prohibits French flights over its territory, adding complexity to the withdrawal process. The withdrawal raises questions about the security landscape in the Sahel region and the ongoing fight against extremism in the area.

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