Gaza Carnage: Arab-Islamic Summit Represents Voice of Ummah

Mon Nov 13 2023
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Naveed Miraj

There is great resentment and anger amongst the Muslims worldwide over Israel’s genocide, ethnic cleansing and systematic violence in Gaza where the death toll surpassing eleven thousand paints a grim picture of the human cost, with a majority being civilians including many innocent children. The Arab Islamic Summit hosted by Kingdom of Saudi Arabia represented the aspirations of the Ummah wherein the leaders while condemning the Israeli oppression with once voice demanded cessation of hostilities and holding the Jewish state accountable for its crimes.

Israel, Genocide, Saudi Arabia, Crown Prince, Crown Prince, Iranian, Turkish, Gaza, Jewish, Qatar, United Nations, Gaza,

Saudi Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman, who has been vocal and leading efforts in support of Palestinian people, without mincing any word, held the Israeli authorities responsible for the crimes committed against the Palestinian people. Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, in a historic trip to Saudi Arabia, called for the designation of the Israeli army as a terrorist organization for its conduct in Gaza. Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq Kakar said the Israeli occupation forces’ indiscriminate and disproportionate use of force amounted to war crimes and crimes against humanity. He called on the international community to hold Israel accountable.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan joined the chorus of condemnation, pointing out the brutal targeting of hospitals, places of worship, schools, and refugee camps by Israeli forces. He urged the United States and Western nations not to turn a blind eye to Israel’s actions, emphasizing the inconsistency of humanitarian claims in the face of such injustice. The Qatar emir, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, expressed deep concern, stating that the events in Gaza pose a danger at all levels, with a troubling precedent set in terms of aggressive conflicts. Other leaders at the summit also expressed the same sentiments and solidarity with the innocent Palestinians.

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The summit’s final declaration, rejecting Israeli claims of self-defense and demanding a decisive and binding resolution from the United Nations Security Council to halt Israel’s aggression, reflects the gravity of the situation. Notably, the summit dismissed any future political resolution that would keep Gaza separate from the Israeli-occupied West Bank, underscoring the unity of Muslim nations against the Israeli occupation.

The voices of Muslim leaders at the Riyadh summit, along with the joint declaration, must not go unnoticed by the international community, especially those supporting Israel. The responsibility to address this humanitarian crisis lies with the United Nations and major global capitals, compelling them to use their influence to bring an immediate halt to Israeli atrocities.

The indiscriminate violence unleashed upon the Palestinian population lacks any justification. Even within Israel, dissenting voices are gaining momentum, with Jewish individuals actively participating in protests against the aggression of Israeli forces. The outcry transcends religious and national boundaries; it is a collective plea for justice and an end to the irrational violence.

Mere condemnation, whether from the Muslim world or other quarters, is not enough given Israel’s refusal to ceasefire and halt oppression. Particularly, if Israel persists in its terror campaign, Muslim leaders need to agree on substantial punitive economic and political measures to impart a lesson to the Jewish state.  We need to express solidarity not only in words but also in actions that heal the wounds of oppressed Palestinians.

Israel needs to understand that relying on violence and terror for its survival is not the right path. The recent actions in Gaza have not only put at risk the diplomatic progress it was making, especially in building relations with Muslim countries but have also undone the positive strides it was taking in that direction. Some nations are now reconsidering their connections with Israel, and in response to the heightened tensions, a few have even recalled their ambassadors.

Israel should recognize that its very existence is closely tied to fostering peace and cooperation with Palestinians and other Muslim countries in the neighborhood. It is in Israel’s own interest to step away from the path of violence and embrace a more constructive approach.  For a lasting solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict, there needs to be a commitment to peaceful coexistence, founded on mutual respect and understanding. Instead of isolating itself through aggressive actions, Israel should actively seek opportunities for collaboration and cooperation.

As the Muslim world stands united against injustice, it is time for Israel to reassess its approach, shun the course of violence, and work towards a long-term solution for the enduring peace of the region.

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