German Embassy in Islamabad Celebrates German Unity Day 2023

Fri Nov 24 2023
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Naveed Miraj & Shahid Qureshi

ISLAMABAD: The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Islamabad marked German Unity Day 2023 with a festive garden reception, commemorating the historic reunification of East and West Germany on October 3, 1990.


The event, attended by distinguished guests from Pakistan and the international community, showcased the strong ties between Germany and Pakistan across various sectors.

German, Embassy, Germany, Islamabad, Unity Day, Pakistan, Ambassador, Relations, Political Economic, Businesses,

In his address, German Ambassador Alfred Grannas emphasized the historical significance of German reunification, highlighting the remarkable progress achieved since the end of 41 years of separation.

The German Ambassador thanked the Sousa’s US band for their entertaining performance and acknowledged their diverse members from various parts of Pakistan. Additionally, he introduced the two Buddy Bear sculptures, originally from Belgium, which had been revamped by an internationally acclaimed artist as a symbol of friendship and freedom.

The artist shared his creative process, incorporating Pakistani town cartoons and involving local children in the project, showcasing the strong connection between Pakistan and Germany through unique artwork and calligraphy script.

Later in the event, Ambassador Grannas welcomed the attendees and emphasized that the evening was dedicated to celebration rather than speeches. He briefly touched upon the activities of Germany in Pakistan but highlighted that the occasion was meant for enjoying the unification and the friendship between Pakistan and Germany. The Ambassador concluded by inviting everyone to relish the evening, with the band continuing to play and the food being served.

The celebration brought together representatives from German businesses, foundations, and organizations operating in Pakistan, as well as dignitaries from diplomatic, military, political, economic, and humanitarian sectors.


German Unity Day Celebrations in Islamabad

The event featured stalls from German organizations, including GIZ, KfW, BGR, DAAD, Annemarie-Schimmel-Haus, and political foundations. These stalls provided insights into Germany’s diverse engagement in Pakistan, showcasing contributions across different sectors.

German, Embassy, Germany, Islamabad, Unity Day, Pakistan, Ambassador, Relations, Political Economic, Businesses,

A special highlight of the celebration was the exhibition of two Buddy Bear Sculptures, intricately painted by renowned artist Ahmer Farooq. The sculptures, reflecting a fusion of cultures through exquisite designs, added an artistic and symbolic touch to the festivities.

The Embassy expressed heartfelt gratitude to all participants for their presence and contributions, contributing to the success and memorable experience of the German Unity Day celebration.










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