Global Corporate Coalition Urges Governments to Ramp Up Climate Ambitions

Mon Jun 24 2024
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LONDON, England: Some of the world’s largest companies, financial institutions, and regions have come together under the banner of Mission 2025, urging governments to elevate their climate ambitions ahead of the February 2025 deadline for submitting updated emission-cutting plans to the United Nations.

This coalition, convened by Groundswell and supported by organizations like Global Optimism and the Bezos Earth Fund, includes prominent names such as Unilever, IKEA, and Octopus EV, along with advocacy groups like the We Mean Business Coalition.

The initiative aims to bolster political leaders with strong corporate backing, emphasizing the urgency of bold action in combating climate change. Spearheaded by Christiana Figueres, who played a pivotal role in crafting the 2015 Paris Agreement, Mission 2025 seeks to galvanize global efforts towards achieving net-zero emissions. It underscores that a significant portion of global corporate revenues—amounting to $31 trillion annually—is now aligned with the goal of achieving net-zero emissions, reflecting a widespread commitment across sectors.

Despite significant corporate support, the coalition faces challenges from fossil fuel industries and governments perceived as hesitant to enact stringent regulations necessary for transformative change. Concerns over re-election and economic impacts have led some governments to scale back on climate commitments, despite growing public demand for stronger action, as highlighted by a recent UN-backed survey.

Figueres criticized the “lack of leadership” and political noise hindering policy advancements in cleaner technologies, which have proven more cost-effective and reliable than traditional alternatives. She stressed the need for governments to provide clearer public policy directions to instill confidence in businesses investing in the low-carbon transition. This includes enhancing Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to cover all sectors and greenhouse gases comprehensively, as emphasized by UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell.

The Mission 2025 coalition plans to support governments with data-driven insights, focusing particularly on the largest economies responsible for the bulk of global emissions. By empowering these nations to adopt ambitious climate policies, the coalition aims to accelerate the transition towards a sustainable, decarbonized economy by 2035.

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