GLOBSEC Co-Organizes Public Forum on the Sidelines of NATO Summit in US

Thu Jun 27 2024
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BRATISLAVA: GLOBSEC is collaborating with NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division, the United States Department of State, to organize a Public Forum on the sidelines of the NATO Summit in Washington, D.C from July 10-11.

The prominent US-based think tanks (the Atlantic Council, Hudson Institute, the German Marshall Fund of the United States, and the Center for a New American Security) are also collaborating for the event.  

This year’s NATO Public Forum will be much larger than previous versions in terms of importance and impact for the over one billion citizens across the Alliance.

GLOBSEC’s presence at the Public Forum as the key voice of Europe in the US is a responsibility the organization is proud to champion.

Robert Vass, President and Founder of GLOBSEC said it is not easy for them to get into the consortium of American think tanks as the only European institution.  “I am glad that the White House and the North Atlantic Alliance recognized the energy we spent on it. For us, it is not only an honor and a confirmation of our credibility, values ​​and growing international impact but also a commitment to our further international activities,” he said.

As the main guarantee of Europe’s security, freedom and prosperity, GLOBSEC will undertake all options and exhaust all resources to advance the cause of NATO.  Vass added the collaboration is also symbolic because of the fact that Slovakia and other countries of Central and Eastern Europe are celebrating 20 years since joining the Alliance.

He added the upcoming Public Forum will have an extensive roster of Allied leaders as speakers who will be addressing and answering the most pertinent strategic and cultural questions related to NATO.

Washington Summit and NATO Public Forum are likely to build on the success of GLOBSEC’s previous engagements with NATO, including the town hall-style NATO Engages event in London in December 2019 and the Warsaw Summit Experts’ Forum (WSEF2016).

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