Glowing Tributes Paid to Jammu Martyrs of November 1947

Fri Nov 03 2023
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SRINAGAR: All Parties Hurriyat Conference leaders in occupied Jammu and Kashmir have paid glowing tributes to the Jammu martyrs of November 1947 and reiterated the resolve that the sacrifices of the martyrs will not go to waste.

Hundreds of thousands of Kashmiris were massacred by Maharaja Hari Singh, the forces of the Indian Dogra army, and Hindu extremists in different areas of Jammu region while they were migrating to newly-established Pakistan during the first week of November in 1947.

The jailed APHC General Secretary, Molvi Bashir Irfani, paying rich tributes to the Jammu martyrs, appealed to the United Nations (UN) and other human rights organizations to take notice of such carnages by Indian forces in the occupied territory and settle the lingering dispute for the establishment of permanent peace in the region, according to Kashmir Media Service.

He said that we are custodians of the mission of martyrs, and only by evicting India from Kashmir can fulfill their mission. India, under a well-thought conspiracy, brutally demonstrated its nefarious designs by killing innocent Kashmiris under the supervision of the then administration through its terror forces.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of United Peace Alliance, Mir Shahid Saleem, speaking at a special programme arranged in Jammu to mark the Jammu Martyrs Day, said that the cold-blooded killing of hundreds of thousands of unarmed and innocent Muslims at the hands of fascist forces was the worst example of ethnic cleansing in the human history.

Jammu Martyrs Never Get Justice

He said what is more painful is that no action was taken against those communal forces responsible for killing hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslims.

He added that the best tribute to the Jammu massacre victims would be to strive for the resolution of the Kashmir issue in accordance with the UN resolutions and aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

The Chairperson of Jammu and Kashmir, Khawateen Markaz Yasmeen Raja, in a statement in Srinagar, said that 6 November is a day of renewal for all Kashmiris and the sacrifices of these martyrs will not ever be allowed to go to waste.

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