Governor Leads ‘Kashmir Exploitation Day’ Rally in KP

Sat Aug 05 2023
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PESHAWAR: Haji Ghulam Ali, Governor of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), led a big protest rally to mark the ‘Kashmir Exploitation Day’ here Saturday.

People from all walks of life participated in the rally, which began at the Chief Minister’s House and finished at the Governor’s House. Caretaker provincial ministers, advisors, special assistants, lawmakers, and local government representatives participated in the rally.

The gathering chanted slogans against the fascist Modi Government’s tyranny and atrocities against the innocent Kashmiris living in the occupied valley while holding placards and banners.

The participants strongly denounced the lockdown and unlawful occupation of Jammu and Kashmir by India and revoked the special status of the held Valley four years ago on August 5, 2019.

The Governor stated that the oppressed people of Kashmir had become victims of oppression and cruelties of India for several decades.

He stated that a message was sent to the world that the political, diplomatic, and moral support of the oppressed people of Kashmir would continue till they get the right of self-determination as pledged to them by the UNO.

He claimed that it was a dark day in the history of Kashmir because it was exactly four years ago that the Modi government had forcibly abolished the IIOJK’s special status, shattering all previous records for brutality and human rights abuses there.

He called for human rights organizations to take notice of ongoing human rights violations in the IIOJK. He stated, “We stand with oppressed Kashmiris in their just struggle to freedom from the Indian yoke,” adding that resolving the Kashmir dispute was necessary to establish a lasting peace in South Asia. —APP

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