Hajj and Umrah Pilgrims Advised to Avoid Carrying Large Amounts of Money and Jewelry

Sat Apr 01 2023
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ISLAMABAD: The Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah has advised pilgrims coming to Saudi Arabia to perform Umrah to avoid carrying large amounts of money and jewelry while performing their rituals.

The Ministry has recommended that the pilgrims should not be carrying more than SR60,000 and avoid holding gold bullion, precious stones, and metals in general.

In addition to this, the Ministry has warned pilgrims about exposing themselves to financial fraud and has advised them to download bank apps from official sources.

Pilgrims need to refrain from disclosing bank card information

Pilgrims have been asked to refrain from disclosing their bank card information and not transfer money to unknown sources.

The Ministry has also urged pilgrims to check the reliability of electronic links before making any payments and ignore unknown links and messages.

In the event of financial fraud or suspicion of fraud, the Ministry has instructed pilgrims to inform the bank and the competent authorities.

Furthermore, pilgrims have been advised to send the fraudulent text message to the number 330330.

The Ministry has issued these guidelines to ensure the safety and security of pilgrims during their Umrah rituals.

The pilgrims are urged to follow these instructions strictly and take necessary precautions to avoid any financial fraud or theft.

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