Hajj Pilgrims Complete Rituals at Kaaba on the Second Day of Tashreeq

Tue Jun 18 2024
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DUBAI: Hajj pilgrims at the holy Kaaba completed the stoning of the three Jamarat on the second day of Tashreeq on Tuesday.

They began with the smallest, Jamrat Al-Oula, then the middle, Jamrat Al-Wusta, and finally Jamrat Al-Aqaba.

Pilgrims then headed to perform the Farewell Tawaf at the Kaaba before returning to their residences in Mina.

The Saudi minister responsible for labor issues has praised the ministry’s workers for their efforts during this year’s Hajj, the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported.

Ahmed Al-Rajhi, minister for human resources and social development, made the remarks on a visit to the ministry’s Hajj headquarters, where he reviewed the activities of the regulatory teams and inspected relevant workflows.

The teams are tasked with ensuring that establishments involved in Hajj operations comply with labor laws and other regulations.

More than 1.83 million Muslims performed the Hajj this year from across the world.

HR ministry initiatives have sought to aid both pilgrims and workers taking part in the annual event.

The ministry has introduced the “Ajeer Al-Hajj” service, which facilitates seasonal work, and the “Seasonal Visas” service.

Al-Rajhi also reviewed key initiatives, services, and volunteer efforts deployed in Makkah’s Grand Mosque and the holy sites.


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