Hajj Pilgrims Depart Muzdalifah for Mina as Journey Continues

Wed Jun 28 2023
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MAKKAH: On the 10th day of Dul Hijjah, Hajj pilgrims have begun their journey from Muzdalifah to Mina after spending the entire previous day at Mount Arafat in observance of the Day of Arafat.

During their stay at Muzdalifah, pilgrims collected small stones known as Jamarat, which they will utilize upon reaching Mina. In Mina, they will perform the “first throwing” of the stones, followed by a visit to the Grand Mosque in Makkah for tawaf (circumambulation) and the symbolic act of sacrificing a lamb, commemorating the obedience of Prophet Ibrahim to Allah’s command.

Hajj Pilgrims Narrate their Experience

As pilgrims arrived at Muzdalifah after the completion of Maghreb and Isha prayers, many were exhausted from the day spent at Arafat and took the opportunity to rest. Rami Al-Judaai, a first-time pilgrim from Syria, described the experience as indescribable. “We just arrived from Arafat and prayed. Now, as you see, I am currently collecting Jamarat,” he shared.

Hajj Hashim Aliraqi, participating in his sixth Hajj, spoke to Arab News about his previous experiences and why he continues to return. “Everything in my previous experiences was excellent. I was here in 2019, 2017, and 2016. The only time I wasn’t here was last year,” he said.

Muzdalifah also serves as a place for pilgrims to rest, rejuvenate, and perhaps take a short nap, allowing them to recharge their energy before proceeding to the next destination, Mina.

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