Hamas Proposes Three-Stage Gaza Ceasefire Plan over 135 Days to End Conflict

Wed Feb 07 2024
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GAZA CITY: Hamas, the Palestinian resistance group, has proposed a three-stage ceasefire that would quiet the guns in Gaza for four-and-a-half months, leading to an end to the ongoing conflict, in response to a proposal sent last week by Qatari and Egyptian mediators and backed by the United States and Israel, Reuters reported.

The proposed plan comes in response to a mediation effort initiated by Qatar and Egypt, with backing from the United States and Israel. The plan outlined by Hamas envisions a series of phases, each lasting 45 days.

As per a draft document reported by Reuters, the first phase of the ceasefire plan entails the release of specific categories of people held by Hamas. In exchange, Hamas seeks the release of Palestinian women and children detained in Israeli jails.

Subsequent phases of the plan involve the release of remaining hostages, leading up to the third and final phase, during which Hamas anticipates reaching an agreement to end the ongoing conflict. Key elements of this phase include the complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza, as well as the exchange of bodies and remains.

Hamas Aims to Secure Release of Palestinian Prisoners

Additionally, Hamas aims to secure the release of 1,500 prisoners, with one-third selected from among Palestinians serving life sentences in Israeli prisons. The group also seeks to enhance humanitarian aid to Gaza’s civilian population, which continues to grapple with dire shortages and food insecurity amid relentless Israeli bombardment.

Muhamed Nazzal, a senior member of Hamas’s political bureau, emphasized that the group’s response to the proposed ceasefire deal was specific and included clear deadlines, Reuters reported. Nazzal reiterated Hamas’s commitment to halting Israeli aggression and achieving a complete withdrawal of occupation forces from Gaza.

Meanwhile, tensions continued in occupied East Jerusalem, where dozens of Israelis reportedly entered the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, conducting tours despite restrictions. Israeli forces barred Muslim worshippers from accessing the mosque for Friday prayers.


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