Hawkish BJP’s Reign of Terror

Mon Sep 23 2024
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Sikandar Noorani

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Blatant violations of human rights in India are no more safely concealed secrets. Involvement of state institutions in heinous acts of marginalization are repeatedly occurring in the states ruled by the Bhartia Janta Party (BJP). Close ideological alignment of BJP with Rashtarya Swayam Sevak Sangh (RSS) is reflecting in major policy decisions of the Indian government. Unbiased international observers are not buying anymore the Indian claims of being a secular democratic state.

Ironically, a more violent and religiously prejudiced India is emerging under the watch of Narindra Modi. Pace of transformation from secularism to Hindutva inspired governance system is wild and rapid. India never functioned as an ideal secular democracy during the tenures of political parties other than BJP, however, veil of secularism had been thick enough to conceal the heinous acts of religiously inspired violence. What happened with the Sikhs during the Indira Gandhi’s reign over India is a significant example to comprehend the peculiar anti-minority mindset.

On the pretext of Khalistan movement, huge crackdown on Sikh community was brutally launched across the Punjab. Scars of notorious operation “Blue Star” are still fresh on the hearts and minds of Sikh community. Indian forces desecrated Golden Temple and killed dissenting Sikh leadership declaring them traitors. Killing of rebellion leader Jernail Singh Bhindranwale along with these companions on the floor of Golden Temple triggered a strong wave of anger among Sikhs who had already been facing state sponsored atrocities on the over exaggerated plea of security. Consequences were much severe than the expectations of hawkish decision makers. Nobody could have imagined that iconic congress leader Indira Gandhi would pay the price of violent misadventure with her life. Not only the India but whole world was shocked with the assassination of sitting Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

Unexpectedly, two of her personal Sikh body guards killed the Indira Gandhi in retaliation to the desecration of Golden Temple during operation “Blue Star”. There was no looking behind after this high- profile assassination as the violence against the Sikhs broke out with more force all across India.  Wide scale targeted violence from Hindu quarters subsequently compelled the Sikhs to migrate from native territories to foreign lands. Thousands of migrant Sikh families are now settled in UK, US and European countries. Majority of victim Sikh families are no more interested to rejoin Punjab which still forms part of Indian state. During past couple of years, the dissident Sikhs have pressed the demand for freedom by arranging Khalistan Referendum. History of post partition anti-Muslim riots is another evidence of violent religious prejudice perpetuating unchecked in Indian society. This long premise can give a fair understanding of extremist tendencies in majoritarian Hindu community.

Butcher of Gujrat

Hollow secularism documented as holy scripture on the papers of constitution has no practical authority to curb the evolving menace of religious extremism. Irony is that BJP’s rise to power and subsequent entrenchment in power corridors revolves entirely around religious hatred towards the minorities. The Muslims are at top of the hit list of RSS and her political wing BJP. More than ten-year long rule of BJP over India has intensified the Islamophobia with such vigor that nature of past sins of Congress look much lighter as compared to BJP regime. BJP took a big leap to the throne of India using the Babri Mosque’s demolition as spring board. Being Chief Minister Gujrat, Narindra Modi earned the title of “Butcher of Gujrat”, from the terrifying orchestration of 2002 Gujrat riots. BJP under the hawkish leadership of Narindra Modi paved her way to the office of Prine Minister by marching on the loud drum beats of anti- Muslim hatred. During the past two terms BJP has redirected the state machinery on the path of “Hindutva”.

Acts of religiously motivated marginalization are taking place under the legal cover with full support of state institutions. Mask of secularism is now too thin to conceal the real face of “Hindu Rashter”. So called Indian democracy feels no hesitation in legislating against the Muslim community. How world can ignore the infamous CAA legislation designed specifically to snatch the citizenship rights from Muslims. Apex court’s verdict provided the judicial justification for the construction of Ram Temple on the ruins of Babri Mosque. Vigilantes can lynch the Muslims to death for fabricated allegations of cow slaughter with full impurity. Democracy has no respect for the Hijab of a student Muslim girl.

BJP Follows Israeli Model in Occupied Kashmir

Authorities can bulldoze the worship places and properties of the Muslims without promulgating any reasons. BJP’s reign of terror continues under the saffron banner of banner of Hindutva. Ten years on , IIOJK was placed under an unelected lieutenant Governor appointed directly by New Delhi against the wishes of local populace. Modi regime was not comfortable even with a puppet CM like Mehbooba Mufti.

Later on , quasi-autonomous statehood status of disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir was unilaterally abrogated in 2019. BJP is following Israeli model in IIOJK and trying to alter the demography to dent the majority of the Muslims. BJP is trying to control the IIOJK with extra-judicial killings , custodial tortures , gang rapes, forced burials and brutal crackdowns on unarmed civilians. Drama of manipulated elections after a long pause of ten years has started failing from the outset as evident from extremely low turnout in the first phase. Hawkish approach of BJP is the biggest threat to the fragile peace of entire region.

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