Health Experts Stress Staying Hydrated During Ramadan

Sat Mar 30 2024
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ISLAMABAD: Health experts underscored the critical importance of staying hydrated during the holy month of Ramadan, especially during the hot summer months, to mitigate the challenges of prolonged fasting.

Experts highlight the significance of hydration during fasting periods to combat thirst and dehydration, which can have adverse effects on overall health and well-being.

During fasting, people abstain from food and drink for extended periods, leading to fluid loss through sweating. Maintaining adequate hydration becomes essential to uphold bodily functions such as digestion, circulation, and temperature regulation.

Moreover, hydration plays a vital role in kidney health, energy levels, muscle function, skin health, and stress reduction, underscoring its pivotal role in overall well-being.

Health professionals stress the importance of personalizing daily water intake based on individual needs and activity levels, with a particular focus on consuming water between Iftar and Suhoor meals to replenish fluids lost during fasting.

While staying hydrated is crucial, experts caution against overconsumption of water within a short period to avoid water intoxication. Additionally, replacing water with calorie-containing beverages is discouraged to maintain overall health and prevent unnecessary weight gain.

For people seeking alternatives to water, options such as coconut water, hibiscus tea, and berry juice are recommended as supplements to hydration, particularly for those who may find it challenging to consume water directly.

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