Healthcare Professionals Reject New Sale Tax on Medicine

Thu Jul 04 2024
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KARACHI: Citizens and healthcare professionals said that the new sale tax on medicine will badly affect the people in Sindh and rejected the new tax. The expressed the reaction as the Sindh government has recently imposed a sales tax on a range of essential medical products, including herbal, Unani, and homeopathic medicines, as well as various medical devices. This decision, aimed at boosting revenues, has gained widespread reactions from residents and healthcare professionals alike.

The newly implemented tax applies to approximately 200 medical items, such as thermometers, sugar strips, blood pressure monitors, surgical gloves, and wheelchairs. According to Abdul Samad Badhani, vice chairman of the Pakistan Chemist and Drug Association, this taxation will notably increase the prices of herbal medicines, further straining household budgets already burdened by inflation and economic hardships.

Healthcare professionals are voicing serious concerns about the repercussions of this tax. A local doctor emphasized, “The common man will be directly affected by the sales tax,” highlighting how increased costs could hinder access to necessary medical treatments. The chairman of the Healthcare Devices Association of Pakistan, Masood Ahmed, emphasized that the dependency on imported medical devices amplifies the financial burden on both healthcare providers and patients. They asked the government to take measures to address the issue of price hike in the province.

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