Heatwave to Continue for Several Days in Punjab, Sindh and Baluchistan: NDMA

Thu May 23 2024
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ISLAMABAD: The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) issued fresh updates stating that the expected heatwave would strike various districts of Southern Punjab, Sindh and Baluchistan during the current week, increasing the temperature further.

According to an official of the NDMA Syed Muhammad Tayyab Shah, the authority issued a guideline on Thursday, regarding the prevailing heatwave in most parts of Punjab Sindh and Baluchistan province.

While talking to the PTV news channel, he further said that the effects of climate change were evident in the enhanced frequency and intensity of the heatwaves affecting Pakistan in the near past.

Meanwhile, NDMA has also issued directions to the relevant officials to take weather awareness measures to ensure the safety of the public, particularly tourists and travellers.

NDMA Urges People to Avoid Direct Sunlight.

In addition, the farmers are advised to carry out agricultural activities keeping in mind the weather conditions, while the tourists have been advised to plan their trip while taking precautionary measures.

In his talk, Muhammad Tayyab Shah said that the current heatwave might have impact on people’s health so they should be careful and avoid excessive outings and unnecessary exposure to direct sunlight.

People are advised to remain hydrated, use more water, and wear lightweight, light-coloured clothing to minimize the effects of the heat. People are also urged It is also urged to remain indoors during peak sunlight hours to prevent heat-related illnesses such as heatstroke and dehydration.

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