Heavy Rain Brings New Issues for Palestinians in Gaza

Wed Nov 15 2023
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GAZA: Heavy rain in Gaza on Tuesday brought new challenges and problems for Palestinians, many of whom are homeless and staying in makeshift tents following weeks of Israeli brutal bombardment.

Heavy Rain, Palestinians in Gaza, Israeli brutal bombardment, WHO,

The rainy season and the possibility of flooding increased concerns that Gaza’s sewage system will be overwhelmed and disease will spread in the region. Local said that winters can be rainy and cold in the Gaza Strip, and the area is sometimes hit by flooding. A displaced person, Karim Mreish stated that people at the shelter were praying for the rain to stop. He said that children, women, and elders pray God that it does not rain but If it does it will be very tough and words will fail to describe their problems.”

Earlier, the World Health Organization said that the Gaza Strip faced a high risk of disease spreading as Israeli brutal bombardments had completely disrupted the health system in the Gaza Strip, limited people access to clean water and also caused Gazans to crowd in shelters.

Heavy Rain Brings New Issues for Palestinians in Gaza

WHO expressed concern on Tuesday regarding the prospect of heavy rain causing flooding and overwhelming already damaged sewage facilities in Gaza. In a statement, WHO spokesperson Margaret Harris stated that they have already got outbreaks of diarrheal diseases in the Gaza Strip.  She said there were over 30,000 cases of diarrhea in a period when the world health body would normally expect about 2,000 cases.

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The rain brought relief for a few displaced people in the central Gaza Strip town of Deir Al-Balah who had not been in position to drink fresh and clean water in the past several weeks. Some displaced people placed plastic buckets in front of their tents to gather rainwater to drink. Um Mohammad Shahin said that they have been drinking salty water for more than a month and have just collected fresh water from the rain.

Health official in Gaza said that more than 11,320 people have been killed in Israeli brutal strikes since October 7.

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