Hina Rabbani Khar Urges FATF, UN To Hold India Accountable for Terror Sponsorship in Pakistan

Wed Dec 14 2022
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ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Pakistan, Hina Rabbani Khar said on Wednesday that India is involved in terrorism in Pakistan, especially in Balochistan, Indian RAW is actively involved in the terrorism.

Hina Rabbani has urged the international community, especially the United Nations and the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) to hold India accountable for perpetrating terrorist activities inside Pakistan

There are credible and undeniable proofs of Indian state terrorism in Pakistan are present and it is the responsibility of international organizations to counter the Indian production of terrorism through the accountability of India.

Hina Rabbani Khar on UN

In a press conference in Islamabad, Hina Rabbani said that Pakistan will take the case of Indian terrorism to the United Nations (UN) and we have the dossier of Indian-sponsored terrorism in Pakistan and we will share this dossier with the Secretary General of United Nations and other international forums.   

Kher said we have shared a dossier regarding Indian involvement in Johar Town, Lahore terrorist attack with the members of UN Security Council and it will also be shared with the UN Secretary-General, hoping they will look into this undeniable and undisputable evidence and fulfill their responsibility.

Hina Rabbani Khar on Indian RAW

Hina Rabbani Khar further said that Indian RAW (Indian spy agency) is always behind the sponsorship of terrorism in Pakistan and we want to show the real face of India to the world. Pakistan has continuously received proof of Indian terrorism and Indian terror financing in Pakistan.

Federal Minister of State of Pakistan for Foreign Affairs, said that India is always involved in the destabilizing of its neighbors and the sabotage of China Pakistan Economic Corridor CPEC, and India always distracts global attention by alleging others for its own crimes. The global community has to counter the financing and support of terrorism by India.

Hina Rabbani Khar said that India always denies the implementation of resolutions of UN Security Council (UNSC) and is continuously denies the international laws.

Hina Rabbani Khar on Pakistani Law Enforcement Agencies

Minister of State further said that our professional law enforcement agencies and judicial authorities have brought the perpetrators of this attack to justice and have received punishment but these are the frontmen. She said the mastermind and facilitators remain at large and under Indian state patronage and protection. She assured Pakistan will pursue this case relentlessly at every level.

She said India remains the recruiter, financer and facilitator of terrorist outfits and foreign terrorist fighters within the region. She said India has a constant role in destabilizing neighboring countries and weakening their economies to pursue their hegemonic designs in the region.

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