Hot, Humid Weather Likely in Plain Areas of Pakistan Today

Wed Aug 16 2023
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ISLAMABAD: As the next twelve hours unfold, the weather in plain areas of the country is expected to be characterized by hot and humid conditions, accompanied by intermittent cloud cover.

Meanwhile, in certain specific regions, a shift in weather patterns is anticipated, bringing about a varied range of conditions.

In the northeast Punjab, Potohar region, northeast Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan, and Kashmir, a distinct change is on the horizon. Residents of these areas should prepare for rain coupled with gusty winds and the possibility of thundershowers. These occurrences are expected to be isolated in nature, impacting only certain pockets of these regions.

For those residing in major cities, the early morning temperatures provide insight into the climate trends of the day. The nation’s capital, Islamabad, woke up to a temperature of twenty-six degrees Celsius. In Lahore, the thermometer read thirty degrees Celsius, while Karachi and Peshawar started the day at twenty-seven degrees Celsius. Quetta reported a relatively cooler twenty-one degrees Celsius, while the mountainous cities of Gilgit and Murree experienced a brisk morning at seventeen degrees Celsius. Muzaffarabad, nestled amidst scenic landscapes, began the day at a comfortable twenty-four degrees Celsius.

Turning our attention to the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir region, the meteorological office’s predictions present a nuanced picture. Anantnag, Shopian, and Baramula can expect partly cloudy conditions, carrying the possibility of rain, winds, and thundershowers. In Srinagar and Leh, partly cloudy and dry conditions are projected. However, the cities of Jammu and Pulwama are poised to experience hot and dry weather.

Upon taking a closer look at the recorded temperatures for the morning in this region, we find Srinagar, Anantnag, and Shopian at a mild eighteen degrees Celsius. Jammu, on the other hand, started the day with a warmer twenty-five degrees Celsius. Leh, known for its cold desert climate, reported a cooler thirteen degrees Celsius. Meanwhile, Pulwama and Baramula shared a temperature of nineteen degrees Celsius.

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