Houthi Attack Kills 11 Government Fighters in Southern Yemen

Wed Apr 03 2024
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SANAA: A surprise Houthi attack killed 11 fighters of the Yemeni government in the country’s south early on Wednesday, a spokesperson for the southern forces said, AFP reported.

Mohammed al-Naqib, representing the Southern Transitional Council (STC), stated that their fighters were targeted in the attack in Lahij province. Despite the assault, al-Naqib asserted that the Houthi forces were unable to make any significant advancements.

The casualties occurred as the government fighters repelled the Houthis during the five-hour-long confrontation, al-Naqib informed AFP. “The Houthis did not advance a single step,” he added.

A military official confirmed the death toll, affirming that the government fighters successfully thwarted the Houthi attack.

The clashes took place near the provincial borders of Taez, a governorate divided between Houthis and government control.

Although Yemen has witnessed a decrease in overall fighting, sporadic outbreaks of violence continue to emerge in various parts of the country. Last March, clashes with Houthis claimed the lives of at least 10 soldiers in the Marib province.


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