Houthis Guarantee Safe Route for Russia and Chinese

Fri Jan 19 2024
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SANAA: In a recent interview with Russian outlet Izvestia, senior Huthi official Mohammed al-Bukhaiti assured the safety of Russian and Chinese vessels passing through the Red Sea.

The Huthis, from Yemen, have been conducting attacks on commercial ships in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza.

Al-Bukhaiti specified that the waters around Yemen would remain safe for vessels from countries such as Russia and China, provided they are not linked to specific nations, particularly Israel.

He emphasized that free navigation is crucial for their country, expressing readiness to ensure the secure passage of Russian and Chinese ships. However, the Huthis pledged to continue attacks on vessels associated with Israel, while ships from other nations would not face threats.

ALSO READ: US Re-Designates Yemen’s Houthis as ‘Terrorist’ Entity

The group has expanded its targeting, including US- and British-linked ships, in response to air strikes by the United States and the United Kingdom in Yemen. Al-Bukhaiti justified these actions by stating that Ansar Allah, as the group is officially known, aims to raise economic costs for Israel to halt the conflict in Gaza.

Defending the capture of the Galaxy Leader, a merchant vessel connected to an Israeli businessman, al-Bukhaiti described it as a precautionary step to compel others to follow their requirements. He claimed that the ship’s crew, still in captivity, is in good condition.

While the Huthis assert that their attacks selectively target vessels of specific nationalities, a US Navy commander contradicted this, stating that the ships involved have ties to dozens of countries. The situation underscores the complex dynamics and potential risks for maritime traffic in the region.

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