How to Make Money on Fiverr as a Beginner Without Skills

Tue Jan 31 2023
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Everyone wishes to be a millionaire through online work like Fiverr but not all of them know where to start with. If you are among one of them and do not know how to make money on Fiverr. Then you have happened to be at the right place. Here, you would know how to make money on Fiverr as a new starter.

Although, many paid courses are being offered to learn how to earn money online, but not all of them can promise proper and good results. Making money online may possibly be seem a little difficult at first, but once you get proper coaching from the right person, nobody can block you from filling your bank account with dollars and dollars.

You may find a bunch of marketplaces like Fiverr where you can send your skills for good amount of remuneration. Fiverr is at the top among them because it is very easy to set up your account and post gigs. After that, just sit tight to wait a bit and let Fiverr do its magic work. According to the stats, a Gig (an item) is sold on Fiverr every 4 seconds, which means the chances of your success on Fiverr are seriously very tall and realistic.

Before you get started, you need to properly understand how exactly Fiverr functions. Further in the article, you would find a step-by-step guideline that will even help you earn money on Fiverr as a youngster without any skills. Fiverr earnings in Pakistan are also possibly very high, and many freelancers have built their businesses alone from Fiverr online earnings.

How Does Fiverr Function For Business

Fiverr is an online marketplace for both Buyers and Sellers of services. Businessmen may find for virtual assistants for their businesses, and freelancers can assist them in taking their businesses to new heights and successes. Sign up or entrance process is very simple on Fiverr, once you log in as a seller, you also get to browse as a buyer and easily obtain someone’s services.

You can create your Fiverr account within no time and even free of cost. You’ll be required to fill up a basic profile with your name, email address, information about your education, prior work experience, and with that experience or fields of expertise.

How Fiverr Function for Freelancers?

Upwork is one of the two apex freelancing online platforms after Fiverr in the world. When dealing with clients, large freelance marketplaces like Upwork and Fiverr vary in approach significantly. And, pitching for new gigs is a regular part of working with clients on platform like Upwork. However, searching for new work when you requires purposeful searching, it doesn’t just happen without your few shots.

Furthermore, Fiverr operates totally opposite, where, clients search for service providers. Freelancers with their expertise just post the services they provide with some proof of their skills and assignments. These evidences could be reviewed from previous clients or work samples too. If buyers find them up to the mark, they plainly and simply hire them. The outcomes of the gig are based upon a few factors that would be explained later in this article.

How to make money on Fiverr? | Step By Step Approach

make money on fiverr

Fiverr has made the life of its users very simple. Therefore it has a mobile application for sellers and buyers to keep the track of running projects. The Fiverr app is accessible to download from Google Play Store and Apple App Store for free. The application interface is so easy to navigate; it empowers you to browse the application as a buyer by normally switching off the seller mode on your app.

Now, moving on, let’s discuss what exactly you need to make money on Fiverr. This step-by-step approach is perfect for those who want to learn how to make cash on Fiverr as a new entrant or new learner. Please, do not skip any step, as you may regret it later once you fail and come to the point where you will have no idea what to do next.

The title, description, and tags are crucial to any gig as they play a key role in Fiverr SEO i.e. search engine optimization of your gig helps as it rank at the topmost when a buyer tries to find it. Right now, if you explore for something on Fiverr, you may find a few new gigs among the best-reviewed offerings. You should review them because those sellers must know how to enhance and polish their gigs as new freelancers on fiver.

Now, return to the seller mode, and click on create a gig. Initially, you may only post five gigs as a new seller. Posting 5 gigs of the similar service are standard practice on Fiverr. Please, keep in mind that all five gigs should not be very similar. Try your level best to offer various price options and add distinct keywords in the title, description, and tags. At first, you may require to offer your services at some of the very low rates. The very minimum you can get paid on Fiverr is $5. From every earning on Fiverr, it charges a 20% commission for its services as platform.

An Outline of Gig Generating Activity:

On Fiverr, as you click “Create A New GIG,” it will ask you to provide a few information. Here is a list of details you will need while posting for a new gig.

Title of the Gig: Remember, whatever you write here will begin with “I Will.” You will write your title as follows: “be your social media manager.”
The Category: Here, select the optimal category and subcategory that very much suits one of the best services you are offering.
The Gig Metadata: Choose the alternative that are linked to your expertise.
The Search Tags: Enter keywords that can support your gig stand out and help you rank higher. Then, on the next page, you have to provide and set the pricing for your service. You are allowed to generate three distinct packages. Keep the name of the package brief and to the point. Other items that are compulsory are to enter your descriptions and feature images or videos for the Fiverr buyers’ of services.

How to Get your First Order on Fiverr?

first order on fiverr

Just remember, the competition on Fiverr is very stiff, setting up the profile and posting gigs may simply not be enough. So, moving on, what can you do to get your first order on Fiverr?
Fiverr SEO is as important as anything that will be spelt out further this write-up. However, you can also do a few things to get your Fiverr gig to perform efficiently.

Your Profile should be Noticeable
Once you optimize your gig, it will attain the client’s focus, but no one will offer you any orders unless they actually know you can do what you are really claiming.
The experience section is the first factor anyone will review at if you are a new seller. Try to be more descriptive and explanatory about your expertise. Moreover, if you can, share proof of your previous experience with that. Remember, always use professional language in explaining, take it as if you are applying for a multinational company.

Creating a Attractive Portfolio
Fiverr gives you the opportunity to upload your portfolio with your details. Your previous experience is the key that might help you get your first order. If you want to make dollars on Fiverr as a teenager, which means you do not have any large experience, then you can attach the work you have performed in your school or college.
You can even generate a sample of your experience to demonstrate your skills. For instance, if you are very good at writing, singing and painting, you can write, sing or paint something in your blog and share it on Fiverr.

Always Stay in Action
Remember, Fiverr freelance services are provided worldwide. It is very probable that when you are sleeping at night on your bed, someone on the other side of the world is asking the services as freelancers. Staying active on your profile checking conveys the client that you are proactive and will be available in any time of need.

Here is an important question. You must be thinking, how possibly can you sit in front of a laptop screen 24/7? Well, here comes again the Fiverr app for your support. Make sure, you have the Fiverr app on your phone and keep it running all the time.

The Best Way to Earn Money on Fiverr Without Any Skills

best way to earn money on fiverr

Can you think that Fiverr online earning is possible if you do not have any proper skills, the answer is, ‘yes’. That is why, many college dropouts are providing Fiverr freelance services, in addition to Fiverr web designs and Fiverr writings. Most Fiverr graphic designers normally use free apps to create designs for their clients.

This section will tell you how to make dollars on Fiverr without skills and free of cost. Here is a good list of services that you may provide without having any expertise in them:

Logo-designing is the easiest job if you are confident with the right tool. Many free graphic designing tools are available online to assist you in logo making. One of the well-known online graphic designing tool is Canva, free of cost, which renders a vast library of free templates that you can use to design unique and different logos.

Social Media Apps and Posts:
Currently, social media is the need of the hour. Almost every single business is turning towards social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. And to stay alert on their pages, they need graphic designers to create posts for them almost every day. Through Fiverr, you can easily offer these services. If you are un aware of social media post designing, then Canvas is the best platform to try your luck, at the first place. It has thousands of free templates available for free that you can employ for your clients. For an early experience, you might create some sample posts for yourself using canvas and upload them with your gig too.

Well, this may sound unexpected, but it is really true that people hire freelancers only to download and save videos for them. Video streaming platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and others, actually do not provide downloading services. There are people worldwide, willingly pay you, to help them download many video content and save for their local drive.

You might get plenty of free tools on the internet that let you download any video. You can also use them to store videos on your personal computer and then sell those videos to your customers. And in return, they might compensate you a minimum of $5 on Fiverr.

The Affiliate Marketing:
Interestingly, ‘affiliate marketing’ is the perfect way to make some extra dollars as a teenager. It is really a nice source of income for millions of people on the internet, without doubt making billions of dollars annually. All they do is to promote other people’s products and items, and in return, they are given a commission on every sale.

An affiliate marketing opportunity is also available for Fiverr users as well. If you don’t possess any skills and still want to earn cash on Fiverr, promoting others’ gigs is the easiest method available. For promotion, you can share them on your social media pages or recommend someone you know looking for some services similar to these.

Some Groups on Facebook are specifically operating for this purpose only. Their members share their gigs with those who are looking to hire them. Members promote those who have gained some credibility in the group. Instead of just sharing gigs, first engage in the discussion so that they can trust you before getting your order or sales.

A key Question is How Many a Beginner Can Earn on Fiverr?

how many beginner can earn on fiverr

On Fiverr, you may sell your services for a minimum of $5 per gig. For motivation, you should also know that the average earning by top sellers on Fiverr is $118,000. But, you should also know that the average earnings of most sellers are only $1K per month.

As a beginner, on average you might earn from $100 to $200 monthly. This earning is for those who have just started earning dollars on Fiverr because you must serve a few clients at first and then get good reviews for future gigs.

Once you have created your account on Fiverr, you might have to offer your services at a low price to grab the first few clients. After a good start, you can enhance the rate of your services and increase your earnings to even more than $1000 per gig.


In the end, this article attempts to support you start your freelance career on Fiverr with minimal effort or just now. Even if you have no skill, or hardly any skill. After reading this, you will be able to earn money on Fiverr.

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