Human Rights Concerns Persist in Kashmir as 68 Lives Lost in 2023

Tue Sep 12 2023
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SRINAGAR: In the picturesque region of Kashmir, nestled in the northernmost part of the Indian subcontinent, the struggle for self-determination has been a longstanding issue. However, recent events have brought this conflict into sharp focus as Indian forces continue their operations in the region. This year alone, 68 Kashmiris have lost their lives in the ongoing turmoil, as their pursuit of the UN-pledged right to self-determination persists.

From January to August 2023, the conflict in Kashmir has claimed the lives of 68 individuals, among them three young boys and an equal number of women. The casualties occurred during numerous cordon and search operations conducted by Indian forces. Shockingly, 13 individuals lost their lives in custodial killings, a grim testament to the grim realities faced by Kashmiris.

The heavy-handed approach of Indian authorities extends beyond the loss of lives. During this period, nearly 2,900 people, including women, Hurriyet leaders, activists, businessmen, and youth, were arrested under what are often referred to as “black laws.” These laws have faced scrutiny for their potential to infringe upon civil liberties and human rights.

Since the abrogation of Articles 370 and 35-A, Indian security forces, including the army, Central Reserve Police Force, and Border Security Force, have been deploying advanced weaponry and technology against the largely defenseless population of Jammu and Kashmir. These measures have been criticized for their disproportionate response to protests and demonstrations, further deepening the human rights crisis.

Kashmiris, regardless of age or gender, are enduring unimaginable suffering as they strive to assert their right to self-determination. Reports of killings, torture, and humiliation have sadly become all too common. With a staggering one million Indian troops stationed in the region, Kashmir has become one of the most heavily militarized zones in the world.

The situation in Kashmir continues to draw international concern and condemnation. Various human rights organizations and nations have called for a peaceful resolution to the conflict and an end to human rights abuses. The United Nations has repeatedly urged both India and Pakistan to engage in dialogue to address the longstanding issue.

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