Hurriyat Leader Flays India’s Oppressive Rule Since Revocation of Autonomy

Sun Aug 04 2024
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ISLAMABAD: Chairman Kashmir Institute of International Relations and Hurriyat leader Altaf Hussain Wani on Sunday denounced the Indian government for oppressing Kashmiris since revoking their autonomy in 2019 and accused India of violating democratic norms and human rights.

In an exclusive Interview with Radio Pakistan regarding Youm-e-Istehsal, he said that the Indian government has been implementing a series of steps aimed at altering the demographic status of Kashmir, including the settlement of non-Kashmiris in the IIOJK region and the suppression of Kashmiri language and culture.

He claims that such e policies are part of a broader strategy to assimilate Kashmir into the Indian mainstream and erase their unique identity and traditions.

All Parties Hurriyat Conference, Kashmir, India, United Nations Human Rights Council, UNHRC, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Lok Sabha

Kashmiri leader added India’s so-called democracy was being exposed to the world on implementation of Article 370 and Article 35A on October 5, 2019, and lamented India was engaged in economic, educational and identity exploitation of Kashmiris.

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He noted that the Modi-led Indian government fulfilled the Hindutwa and RSS ideology through Article 370 and Article 35A in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

India, New Delhi, United Nations, Kashmir, IIOJK, South Asia, All Parties Hurriyat Conference

Hurriyat leader said the United Nations (UN) and the Security Council have already declared India’s illegal occupation illegal through several resolutions.

He noted that the curriculum was forcefully changed for the Kashmiris, especially, the history of Muslims was removed.


He further said that India was making an evil attempt to destroy the rights of Kashmiris by changing the population ratio in Kashmir.  He explained that after 2019, more than 10,000 women were missing because of communication blackouts and curfews.

All Parties Hurriyat Conference, Kashmir, India, United Nations Human Rights Council, UNHRC, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Lok Sabha

He warned that an attempt was also made to make Kashmiris homeless by demolishing more than 6,000 houses. He stressed that Indian atrocities need to be highlighted in the whole world so that the world can see the true face of India and the exploitation of Kashmiris.

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