Hurriyat Leaders Say Palestine, Kashmir Two Sides of The Same Coin

Mon Oct 09 2023
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MIRPUR: Hurriyat organizations have extended their support to the Palestinian people and vehemently denounced Israeli aggression in Gaza.

According to reports from Kashmir Media Service, prominent figures within the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC), including Masroor Abbas, Ghulam Muhammad Khan Sopore, Yasmeen Raja, Zamrooda Habib, Maulana Musaib Nadvi, Prof Zubari, and Umar Mughal, have drawn parallels between the plight of Muslims in occupied Kashmir and Palestine. They highlighted the desecration of mosques and violence against innocent people in both regions.

Drawing a parallel between Israel’s actions and those of India in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), these leaders pointed out that both nations have engaged in severe human rights violations.

The leaders emphasized the need for the international community to take cognizance of the suffering of Kashmiris and Palestinians, who are victims of aggression by India and Israel.

Call for End to Israeli Aggression in Palestine

In their condemnation of Israeli actions, they called upon the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to play a pivotal role in resolving the conflicts in Kashmir and Palestine. They stressed the importance of addressing these issues to promote global peace and prosperity, considering the military aggression in these disputed areas and the violation of the basic rights of Kashmiris and Palestinians.

Furthermore, these leaders expressed solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian population and urged Muslims worldwide to offer their unwavering support to the Kashmiri and Palestinian people, who are enduring the effects of Indian and Israeli aggression.

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