Husband’s indifference leaves mother of two in mental stress

Thu Oct 06 2022
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M Hussain

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Islamabad——Mother of two and a victim of domestic violence, 40-years-old Kinza Nazish is again falling prey to depression as her husband refused to pay monthly expenses including children’s school fee.

Kinza’s husband lives abroad and used to abuse her on phone. Whenever he gets angry, he stops sending monthly expenses and school fee of his kids. “He does so because he is away and can’t punish me after getting angry over minor issues,” shared Kinza. While living in a toxic relationship with her husband for around 12 years, she has become a psycho patient with recurrent bouts of depression. She said that after every two years her husband visits Pakistan and would beat her over minor issues but she is bearing all this mental and physical torture for the sake of her children.

She is an educated lady and knows about her illness but never thought of consulting a psychiatrist as she fears to get a label of ‘mental patient’. “Whenever, my depression gets aggravated, I take refuge in prayer and sharing my miseries and problems with my creator. I avoid doctors and I myself believe that such medicines couldn’t help rather worsen your mental health,” she explained.

This case clearly indicates that more people now seem to be aware about mental health issues, but the stigma surrounding mental health still remains and stops them from seeking medical help. On the other hand, the cases of mental disorders in Pakistan are rising with every passing day and according to the World Health Organization in Pakistan, mental disorders account for more than 4 percent of the total disease burden, with the mental health burden higher among women.

It is estimated that 24 million people in Pakistan are in need of psychiatric assistance. However, allocated resources for the screening and treatment of mental health disorders are not enough to meet the increasing needs. According to WHO data, Pakistan has only 0.19 psychiatrists per 100,000 inhabitants, one of the lowest numbers in WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region, and in the whole world. This paucity of mental health professionals in Pakistan creates a massive treatment gap, leaving more than 90% of people with common mental disorders untreated. 

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