Imran Khan Accuses Govt of Pushing Pakistan’s Economy into Abyss

Mon May 29 2023
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LAHORE: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan launched a scathing attack on the ruling alliance on Monday, blaming them for the worsening state of the country’s economy since the current government came into power.

In a tweet, Khan accused the government of being fascist and engaging in oppressive tactics, even more so than previous martial law regimes.

Highlighting the disparity between the official and open market exchange rates, Khan pointed out a significant gap of 30 rupees per dollar. He attributed this difference to the hoarding of dollars within the economy, which has eroded investor confidence and hindered both local and foreign investment.

Imran Khan Warns of Increase in Inflation

Imran Khan warned that this lack of investment would result in a severe contraction in the Gross National Product (GDP) and deal a devastating blow to the overall economy.

Expressing concern about the future, Khan cautioned that the country could experience rampant inflation and even an environment of hyperinflation.

He suggested that the leaders of the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) held substantial amounts of money in foreign accounts, insinuating that their personal interests were hampering efforts to improve the economy.

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