Imran Khan, Bushra Bibi Indicted in Un-Islamic Marriage Case

Tue Jan 16 2024
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RAWALPINDI: The founder of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), Imran Khan, and his wife, Bushra Bibi, have been indicted in a case involving their alleged un-Islamic marriage.

This indictment, made on Tuesday, marks the third case against Imran Khan, who had previously faced charges in the Cipher case and for contempt of the Election Commission of Pakistan.

The couple has denied all charges in this latest indictment, brought forth by Bushra’s ex-husband, Khawar Maneka, last month. Senior Civil Judge Qudratullah read out the charges in Rawalpindi’s Adiala Jail, with Imran Khan present, while Bushra Bibi was absent, prompting dissatisfaction from the judge due to her previous non-appearances.

The court questioned Bushra’s lawyer, Usman Gill, about her absence, to which he explained that she had left for the hospital due to her ill health. However, the prosecution objected to Bushra’s medical report, claiming it lacked details about the specific treatment she had undergone.

Despite the court’s displeasure, Bushra’s counsel continued to seek exemptions on the grounds of her health. The court pointed out that exemptions are typically sought by those not present in court.

Imran Khan was also called to the stand, where he expressed a lack of understanding of legal terms and stated he would sign the charge sheet after consultation with his lawyer. Eventually, he signed the charge sheet following discussions with his legal team.

IHC Reserves Verdict on Bushra’s Plea in Un-Islamic Marriage Case

This development follows the Islamabad High Court (IHC) reserving its verdict on Bushra’s plea seeking the dismissal of Maneka’s case. In her petition, Bushra argued against the admissibility of Maneka’s petition, contending that a trial court lacks jurisdiction to hear it.

Maneka’s petition challenges the legality of Imran and Bushra’s marriage, claiming it was solemnized during her iddat, the waiting period following her divorce from him. Bushra, in her defense, said that her ex-husband’s complaint was malicious, filed with nefarious intent, and based on false and fabricated documents.

During the proceedings, Bushra’s lawyer, Barrister Salman Akram Raja, highlighted the inconsistency in Maneka’s claims and emphasized the six-year delay in raising certain issues.

The lawyer also questioned the credibility of the house help’s testimony, emphasizing the legal requirement of two male witnesses for fornication allegations.

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